In het kader van het vijfde International University Symposium on Humanities (INUSHARTS 2020) wilde zij mijn coronacartoons bestuderen waarin ik dieren als cartoonkaraktertjes tekende. Titel van het onderzoek: “Semiotic Analysis of Pandemic Situation on Animal Objects Dutch Cartoon by Loko”.
De student omschrijft het als volgt:
“The outbreak of Covid-19 was spread to several countries by the beginning of 2020. Some actions and regulations were taken by governments to overcome this outbreak. These regulations lead to some changes in life aspects. Both the regulations and the change of situation evoke some artists or creators to produce artworks, for example, cartoons. This research specifically studied cartoons with animals as characters. The man behind this collection of cartoons is Lodewijk Koster or Loko. Lodewijk Koster intentionally made these Corona cartoons to portray the change of situation in society by cartoons, besides he believed that we need Corona humor. The question begins here, how is the pandemic situation in the Netherlands depicted in animal cartoons?”